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Water Still Project



The goal of this assignment was to recreate a water still that is used to collect water in Africa.  Alec and I were partners in building this still.  Our still ended up being the wrong size, so Alec and I had to be creative to not let the water escape through evaporation.  We had to use tape to seal the bottle but we had to be careful to not make it too tight. This wouldn't allow the water to collect. This assignment interested me because I love building things, and this also allowed me to have insight into the lives of the people that use this method.

Circuit Lab

Alec and I performed this lab.  During this lab, we had to create multiple types of closed circuits.  I learned a lot about problem solving during this lab.  The clips had to be positioned just right to allow the lights to work.  The circuit also represents a group working towards a common goal.  If just one piece is positioned a little off, or if one wire is fried, the circuit won't create light.  Just like in a classroom, if one person isn't trying or working hard, the desired goal wont be accomplished. 

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